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How to Unlock Journey Data For Every Persona

Take the mystery out of journey performance data once and for all. During this moment, our Journey Builder product team will identify (3) key personas, outline how they can get the most out of Journey Builder, and provide detail on how you can better work with your clients who fall into these groupings. After this, you’ll walk away with a better understanding of the key journey personas and Journey Builder product details that are pertinent to each:

The Developer/Admin persona who is all in on code: this persona should focus on the Download API, which provides at scale metadata for extremely sophisticated, granular segmenting, troubleshooting & use cases.

The Marketer who is strictly “no code:” for this persona, we’ve recently updated and optimized our History Dashboard UI, which is perfect for one-off requests without needing developer resources.

The Operations/Admin persona who is mostly “no code:” the Optimization Dashboard is ideal for operators and admins who are focused on building better journeys and managing them across the entire business.

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